Adjusting to Parenting
The adjustment to becoming a parent is a complex event that doesn’t happen overnight. While the baby might arrive in a day (or two!) this...
Adjusting to Parenting
Bonding with Baby
'I don't know if I can do this anymore' - Are you suffering from Parental Burnout?
Understanding birth trauma
Loving Lockdown
Why Choose a Perinatal Psychologist?
Not Sure About Seeing a Psychologist?
Creating new family rituals
I might have to give birth alone and I am terrified
What is telehealth and how could it help me?
The power of words
Practical tools for mental health in pregnancy and early motherhood
When I say no I feel guilty
Love, pride and a sense of belonging
What are your family's Easter rituals?
Challenging unhelpful thoughts as a new parent
When birth is trauma
Managing stress and COVID-19
How is your attachment style affecting you?
Mother’s Day is all about her…..again….